
Al Green Proves Us Wrong

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1. Al Green feat. Corinne Bailey Rae, “Take Your Time”
Okay, we were a little too quick to write off the new Al Green material, because this track is dy-no-mite. If you need us, we’ll be with Ben Brantley eating our hat. [Pitchfork]

2. Kelis, “Milkshake (Choreo Re-metal)”
On German D.J. Choreo’s remix, Kelis’s milkshake is still bringing all the boys to the yard, but now they’ve all got hipster haircuts and skinny jeans. [Tuftsmania Shlog]

3. Bombadil, “Rosetta Stone”
Like the Lord of the Rings character from which they stole their name, Bombadil are exuberant and entertaining, but probably a bit too nerdy to star in a movie. [This Morning I Am Born Again]

4. Moron Says What, “Wikipedia”
Another in the rising tide of hipster kid bands, these guys are better than most, but we’d still recommend fact-checking anything they sing about. [Have Fun Club]

5. Busy P feat. Murs, “To Protect and to Entertain”
Busy P travels all the way from France to L.A. (“the land of scenesters, hipsters, sneakers and blogs”) just to find a rave so he can make out with “a chick that his girlfriend hates.” [DJ’s Delight]
—Ehren Gresehover

Al Green Proves Us Wrong