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Nicolas Cage Is a ‘Bad Lieutenant,’ Too
Herzog Feeling Bad: Nicolas Cage will star in an updated remake of 1992’s Bad Lieutenant, with Werner Herzog directing. The original movie starred Harvey Keitel as a New York police officer who was big into drugs, gambling, stealing, sex, and movies with NC-17 ratings. Maybe in this version the producers will actually clear the music rights so they don’t have to cut huge chunks of the soundtrack. [Variety]
Point Break, Too: Speaking of ridiculous updates of early-nineties stories, Jan De Bont will direct the sequel to 1991’s Point Break, Point Break: Indo. We can only hope that the sequel offers the same thoughtful critique of the Bush administration that the first film did of Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. [HR]
Bruckheimer Pays Increments: Disney and Jerry Bruckheimer have picked up the rights to David Ignatius’s The Increment, the story of British undercover intelligence agents and a weapons scientist defecting from Iran. Variety calls it a “geopolitical thriller,” which sounds more like Disney’s making Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?, a movie we’re not entirely opposed to seeing. [Variety]
Jonah Hill Turning 21: We really want to believe EW’s Nicole Sperling when she reports that Jonah Hill’s in negotiations to develop a 21 Jump Street movie with Sony. Just give the man guns, shades, and a ripped denim vest and we’re good to go. And the best part would definitely be re-creating the show’s public service announcements. [EW]
Surf’s Up for Anchor Bay: In economics there’s this idea called the bigger fool theory that says, “you can buy something worthless as long as there’s a bigger fool to buy it from you.” With that in mind, Anchor Bay will distribute Matthew McConaughey’s Surfer, Dude with high hopes you’ll pay to see a movie so bad it makes baby pandas murder themselves in the face. But at the same time, he’s obviously shirtless, ladies. [HR]
Nicolas Cage Is a ‘Bad Lieutenant,’ Too