trailer mix

‘The Women’ Trailer: It’s ‘Sex and the City,’ But for Women

Tagline: “This fall, the ultimate battle between every woman and the other woman begins.”

Translation: Women! Women women women women women! Women!

The verdict: Nikki Finke is reporting that Warner Bros. chief Jeff Robinov is lukewarm on this Diane English remake, planning to inch it out via limited release come September. But the studio made one good (no-brainer) marketing decision: placing this trailer in front of Sex and the City this weekend. Maybe that movie’s $55 million reminder that women actually do like to see movies will change Robinov’s strategy? The trailer is expertly made, though we’ll admit that we’re not the target audience for this movie; even more than Sex and the City, this one seems like it’s made for girls’ night out. After all, a second look at the trailer reminds us that just as in the 1939 original, every single person appearing in The Women — the leads, the supporting characters, the kids, the extras playing waiters — is female. Let the media predictions of male self-violence begin!

‘The Women’ Trailer: It’s ‘Sex and the City,’ But for Women