The Chicago Sun-Times reports today that everyone behind the scenes at Dancing With the Stars is fed up with Cloris Leachman, the 82-year-old hoofer who’s perked up the show’s seventh season. “We expected her to maybe make it through one or two weeks,” a staffer says. “But now it’s gone from people being amused … to being downright concerned.” Unlike that staffer, but like everyone else in America, we certainly hope Leachman isn’t voted off anytime soon. She’s just the latest in a long and proud line of elderly entertainers who let it all hang out, demonstrating that once you hit AARP age, it’s no longer necessary to give a good goddamn what anyone thinks of you. From public feuds to awards-show acceptance speeches to celebrity roasts, Vulture’s favorite Daffy Old People give us hope that our golden years might offer something a little livelier than sponging off our children and clucking over our empty 401(k).