quote machine

New Mark Wahlberg Movie Sounds Boring

Philemona Williamson’s Is It Only Make-Believe? (2008).

“There’s heavy gun play and major explosions but not a lot of blood, and we really were careful of the language. There were some takes where I admit I let loose a few bad words but you won’t see them. Actually, I’m glad we didn’t drop the ‘F-bomb’ in every scene.” Mark Wahlberg on Max Payne [Parade]

“Here’s my favorite thing: My favorite thing is turning on YouTube and seeing William Shatner talk to me. When did that become my life? How did that occur?” J.J. Abrams doesn’t understand why William Shatner is still stalking him about Star Trek [MTV ]

“It must have been stunned by the lights or something because it just froze and I thought it was a toy. I just put it in my mouth. Then its wings started flapping and I got such a shock. I tried to pull it out too quickly and its head came off. It tasted all crunchy and warm … like a Ronald MCDonald’s.”Ozzy Osbourne on bat biting [Classic Rock via Contact Music ]

“It’s not so nice when you are 71 and looking for some action. I feel uncomfortable doing it in the limelight — so from now on I’ll do it when it’s right. Happily, when it comes to girls hitting on me, I’m not undernourished.” Jack Nicholson: still creepy! [Sun UK]

“We have a solid friendship. Never strained, because we were on the same side. He knew I wished they were using the thumbs.” Roger Ebert clears the air about his relationship with Richard Roeper and the lack of thumbs on the new At the Movies [Ain’t It Cool News]

New Mark Wahlberg Movie Sounds Boring