
Grey’s Anatomy Writers: A Brain Tumor Would Be Too Good for T.R. Knight

Martin Klimas’s Amaryllis IV (2007)

In the wake of yesterday’s reports that T.R. Knight had walked off the set of Grey’s Anatomy comes confirmation from EW: “Multiple sources confirm that T.R. Knight has asked to be released from his contract, a request that both ABC and Grey’s show-runner Shonda Rhimes appear poised to grant. ‘They’re working out the details now,’ whispers an ABC insider.” Astonishingly, the show’s writers seem strangely amenable to forgoing the now-standard long, drawn-out death from brain tumor they usually inflict on their insubordinate actors. So how will they kill Knight’s Dr. O’Malley? We hope it’s a shark attack!

Exclusive: T.R. Knight negotiating ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ exit [Ausiello Files/EW]

Earlier: T.R. Knight Angling for a Brain Tumor
Katherine Heigl Deathwatch Gets Downright Kooky on Grey’s Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy Writers: A Brain Tumor Would Be Too Good for T.R. Knight