After winning an Oscar last February for Juno and surviving a maelstrom of criticism from a seething nation of bloggers, Diablo Cody battened down her personal hatches and got to work writing a television show for Showtime on the behest of none other than Steven Spielberg. Now with the show set to debut on January 18, Showtime is currently streaming the pilot episode of The United States of Tara for free on their Website (when prompted for a password, type in TARA). You can expect bloggers and critics alike to eagerly bare their fangs in anticipation of a fresh chance to tear down Hollywood’s most famous slang-slinging ex-stripper (Defamer has already weighed in, saying the show “isn’t just bad, it’s bad four times over”), but Vulture is certainly willing to give this show a fair shot. We’ll even subscribe to the new Tara-related Twitter feed that Diablo Cody announced she’ll be using to live-tweet her show’s episodes. However, we cannot and will not be held accountable for our actions if we hear or read the words “honest to blog” ever again.
The United States of Tara [Showtime]