heath ledger posthumous oscar watch

Christopher Nolan Accepts Heath Ledger’s First Televised Posthumous Award

In case you, quite reasonably, had no idea, the Critics’ Choice Awards took place last night. Highlights included five wins by Slumdog Millionaire, scoring prizes for picture, director, writer, and “young actor/actress” (Dev Patel), and Anne Hathaway’s tie with Meryl Streep for Best Actress, giving her a chance to practice her speech before she wins a Golden Globe on Sunday. But if anyone was hoping for a big moment when Heath Ledger’s name was announced, for the first time on TV, as 2008’s Best Supporting Actor, they were probably disappointed: Dark Knight director Chris Nolan accepted the award with all the emotion and enthusiasm of a guy ordering a sandwich. We can only hope for better at the next thousand televised ceremonies at which Ledger wins the exact same award.

Christopher Nolan Accepts Heath Ledger’s First Televised Posthumous Award