For fans of awesome television, the upcoming 30 Rock romance between Liz Lemon and a character to be played by Mad Men’s Jon Hamm is more exciting than five Obamas put together. But were you aware that their onscreen pairing almost happened years ago? It’s apparently true! Hamm reveals to EW today that before he was breaking hearts and inspiring fake tumblrs as Sterling Cooper’s philander-y creative director Don Draper, he actually auditioned to play 30 Rock’s Jack Donaghy.
In a short interview about their upcoming TV relationship, Hamm announces to Fey — who apparently had no idea (“You did? Was I there?”) — that he once wanted Alec Baldwin’s part: “It was way early in the process. So somewhere on tape, there exists me talking about three kinds of heat,” he says. “The corollary is that Tina auditioned for Don Draper.” (Fey: “No, I would probably be the wife of the guy in the closet.”)
With apologies to Hamm, though — and as much as we’d love to see that audition tape! — we’re not sure he would’ve been quite right for Donaghy (plus, the thought of anyone else playing our beloved Mad Men protagonist is just too terrifying to consider). Can you imagine detached, aloof Don Draper doing this scene?
Tina Fey and Jon Hamm talk about coupling up on ‘30 Rock’ [EW]