The legal war between Warner Bros. and Fox over Watchmen continues today following a judge’s hilarious ruling last week that Fox, in fact, owns the distribution rights to the massively anticipated comic-book movie, which Warner Bros. has already produced and spent millions marketing. The latest squabble is over the admissibility of evidence that Warner Bros. claims unequivocally proves that Warner is the “better” studio and Fox is “underperforming,” reports the Times’ Michael Cieply. All of this comes after an earlier deposition by a Fox executive in which he declared that his studio is “the very best in the business.” Sadly, this idiotic turn of events means that the upcoming Watchmen trial will definitely last for decades and the movie will probably never see theaters — but, man, wouldn’t it be awesome if all film-rights disputes really were settled on the basis of which party were “better”? We might never hear from Brett Ratner again!
Warner and Fox Debate: Which Is Better? [ArtsBeat/NYT]
Earlier: Judge’s Ruling Allows Watchmen Windfall to Fill Fox’s Coffers