More Rum: Rum Diary is sounding better and better: Aaron Eckhart and Richard Jenkins have joined the cast of the Hunter S. Thompson adaptation, which is about alcoholic American journalist Paul Kemp’s adventures in fifties Puerto Rico. Eckhart will play Sanderson, the third point in a love triangle between Johnny Depp’s Kemp and Amber Heard, and Jenkins will play Lotterman, the man who runs the newspaper where Kemp works. But the best part? No subplots about the imminent death of the newspaper industry. [HR]
Gerwig Gets a Real Job: Greta Gerwig isn’t slumming with the mumblecore kids anymore: The indie actress (Baghead, Hannah Takes the Stairs) will star in Noah Baumbach’s relationship drama Greenberg opposite Ben Stiller. Baumbach’s track record suggests one good movie followed by a not so good one (1995’s Kicking and Screaming into 1997’s Mr. Jealousy, 2005’s The Squid and the Whale into 2007’s Margot at the Wedding). By that logic, Greenberg is gonna be awesome! [HR]
Heche Takes Over: Anne Heche has joined HBO’s Hung, a dark comedy starring Thomas Jane as a — that’s right — well-endowed high-school-basketball coach with issues. Heche plays the remarried ex-wife of the coach; she replaces Kristin Bauer, who played the role in the pilot, and who probably still can’t make up her mind if she’s upset about not being in this anymore. [HR]
Krasinski Takes a Work Break: John Krasinski will appear in Nancy Meyers’s next movie while on hiatus from The Office in the spring. The untitled movie, to be produced by Scott Rudin, will also feature screen legends Meryl Streep, Steve Martin, and Alec Baldwin, who could all really stand to learn a thing or two from Krasinski about the subtle art of smirking. [Variety]
Life-Changing TV: NBC has picked up a reality-TV show featuring life coach Tony “Banana Hands” Robbins, tentatively titled Breakthrough With Tony Robbins. The show will help people overcome their personal problems over the course of a 30-day program overseen by Robbins. As part of the deal, all inspirational work for struggling NBC programming execs will be done off camera. [Variety]
Game On: One-half of the original Upright Citizen’s Brigade has landed on Spike TV with Players; Matt Walsh created the comedy, in which he will star as a carefree guy who owns a sports bar alongside his uptight older brother, played by Ian Roberts. Is Spike just hoping they can swing an Amy Poehler cameo? [Variety]