quote machine

Brandon Flowers Isn’t Convinced That Nirvana Were All That

“Kurt Cobain and grunge took the fun out of rock and roll.”—Brandon Flowers isn’t going to be overdosing anytime soon [NME]

“[They’re] just like us. They … get drunk, talk shit, go to jail. But they just wear the little hats.” —Snoop Dogg on country music stars [E! Online via Spinner]

“The first time I had to perform ‘I Dreamed a Dream’ after watching the YouTube video, I was thinking, ‘Are people comparing me now to Susan Boyle? Are they thinking I do it better, or Susan does better?’ But then I was like, ‘Wait a minute. What am I thinking?’ “—Les Miserables’ Valerie Rachelle on having new competition [E! Online]

“I hired an acting coach just for the day because a lot of the lines later on in the episode are very complicated. I’m talking a lot about history and theorems and conductors, and there’s a lot of facts and a lot of big words, and I had to say it as if it was coming to me very easily, so I had to learn the lines ahead of time rather than just reading them. I actually had to research some of them because the acting coach told me that if I really understood what I was talking about, it would come through a little more true.”—Lauren Conrad on preparing for her guest spot on The Family Guy [E! Online]

“It’s not easy for me to say, ‘I don’t think you should go to school like that.’”—Depeche Mode’s Martin Gore on disciplining his 13-year-old daughter [Spin]

“I’m a huge supporter of the gay community. [I’m] possibly a member myself, you never know.”—Aubrey O’Day is possibly gay? [Spinner]

Brandon Flowers Isn’t Convinced That Nirvana Were All That