Tagline: “It was the night of their lives. If only they could remember.”
Translation: Vegas, baby, Vegas!
The Verdict: After spending the last few years helming comedic misfires like School for Scoundrels and Starsky & Hutch, director Todd Phillips is returning to the male-bonding-gone-wild territory that established him as a (minor) force to be reckoned with in Hollywood in the late nineties and early aughts. And seeing that his latest — which stars Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis and Ed Helms — seems to have a lot in common with his two biggest hits (Old School and Road Trip), we have mildly high expectations for this Vegas romp. Thematically, this picture looks as if it shares a lot of the same DNA as Peter Berg’s deliciously twisted Very Bad Things, only this one seems more interested in delivering belly laughs than it does with probing the darkest recesses of bachelor-party insanity. Which, for our money, is definitely a good thing.