the industry

Natalie Portman to Dance With Ghosts

Scary Ballet: Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan, in development since 2007, may be finally moving forward now that Natalie Portman is attached to star. Excited? It’s a “supernatural thriller set in the world of ballet.” Still there? Specifically, Portman’s character faces off against a rival dancer who may be a ghost. We didn’t think it was possible, but Aronofsky’s RoboCop reboot is starting to sound pretty good. [HR]

All In: Leonardo DiCaprio will produce and star in an untitled drama set in the world of online casinos. Appropriately, the Rounders team of Brian Koppelman and David Levien will be writing the screenplay. Apparently the intrigue will take place among the offshore masterminds of the operations in Costa Rica, and not the people on the other side of the screen — which is too bad, because Leo would be great as a guy who sits in his sweatpants for ten hours a day playing Internet poker. [Variety]

Wyle Times: Steven Spielberg is apparently chasing down Noah Wyle for the alien-invasion pilot he’s producing for TNT. Wyle would play the leader of a motley crew of humans attempting to fight back against the aliens who, six months prior, destroyed Earth. Steven Spielberg is pursuing Noah Wyle? Print this out and slap it on the fridge, Mrs. Wyle. [EW]

And Again: You Again, the Disney comedy starring Kristen Bell as a young lady trying to convince her brother that his new fiancée is secretly a terrible person, has added a few names to its cast: Jamie Lee Curtis will play Bell’s mother, Odette Yustman (Cloverfield) will play the secret bitch, and Kristin Chenoweth will play a “wedding extraordinator.” Wedding extraordinator! [HR]

Music Industry Saved: Universal has partnered with U.K. Internet provider Virgin Media to create a music-download subscription service. Costs and other details haven’t been announced, but basically users will be able to download or stream as many tracks as they like in exchange for a monthly fee; as part of the deal, Virgin Media will get tougher with the illegal downloaders on its network. This is totally going to work! [Variety]

Jack Pot: Screenwriter Liz Meriwether has sold her action-comedy pitch Honey Pot to Paramount. The spy flick will feature two female leads and is what happens “when a bunch of hot, funny women get their Bourne on,” according to Meriwether. Got it — now let us hear the snappy one-liner Meriwether uses to describe her other in-development project, Fuckbuddies. [Variety]

Natalie Portman to Dance With Ghosts