Well, that was fast! After putting Best Week Ever out to pasture just last week — host Paul F. Tompkins tweeted that “in the absence of any word to the contrary from VH1, it’s safe to assume [this is] the very last Best Week Ever With Paul F. Tompkins” — VH1 is already readying a new show that they’re describing as being “similar to our old format of BWE.” The program is called The Great Debate and will be hosted by Michael Buffer, the cheesy boxing announcer most famous for his dated “Let’s get ready to RRRR-UMMMM-BLE!” catchphrase. Adding insult to injury, the show will be populated with former Best Week talking heads like Chuck Nice and the Modern Humorist guys. In all fairness, though, the show’s format looks to be closer to the network’s aging I Love the … franchise than the original BWE, but still, we can’t imagine that eases the sting much for Tompkins and the show’s staffers currently searching for employment.