vulture lists

20 Years of Johnny Depp’s Lack of Sex Appeal

In Johnny Depp’s new film, Public Enemies, he stars as infamous thirties-era gangster John Dillinger. Which would have been fine if the film were meant to highlight Dillinger’s psychopathic eccentricities. Instead, Depp is asked to play Dillinger as a man driven by his lust for Billie Frechette (Marion Cotillard). To say the sex scenes are tepid is generous. Oatmeal is sexier. Johnny Depp is profoundly beautiful, deeply talented, and so cool even straight men are attracted to him. Yet all those qualities have rarely added up to sexual chemistry with his female co-stars. He’s too sensitive, delicately featured, and dare we say it, fey. Depp’s a romantic, not a sex god.To prove our point, Vulture investigated nearly twenty years of Depp films where he’s paired with a love interest. You’ll find our results in this slideshow.

20 Years of Johnny Depp’s Lack of Sex Appeal