“In hindsight it seems to be the height of folly. You had to resolve your economic crisis by becoming a folk singer. And I had not much of a voice. I didn’t play that great guitar either.” —Leonard Cohen [Guardian UK]
“Everyone’s just doing their job. At the end of the day, I’m not going to be mad when someone asks if I want ketchup with my fries, and I’m not going to get mad at people if they ask if I ate a squirrel as a kid. Yes, I did. A lot of ’em. Tons. Trees full.” —Beth Ditto [Elle]
“In England, it’s a tradition to put your plaques and photographs and awards and gold records and stuff in your bathroom. I don’t know why. [I’ve heard that] The Beatles did it, the Rolling Stones did it So, I’ve got a big cabinet on the wall, and the Grammys are on the middle shelf. It’s funny, I was seeing this guy last summer, and he had no idea who I was. We never spoke about music, which I thought was a little weird, but I thought maybe he was just trying to make me feel comfortable by seeming unfazed by my success. But the first time to my house, he went to the toilet, and when he came out he said, “Who the fuck are you?”—Adele [Elle]
“You don’t want to meet famous people.” —Hayden Panettiere [Details]
“I’ve known Bonnie [Wright] — even though she’s obviously stunningly beautiful, as you have seen tonight — I’ve known her since she was 9 and I was 11. So that was kind of weird at first. But we got used to it. We got over it pretty quickly.” —Daniel Radcliffe on kissing Ginny Weasly as Harry [MTV]
“I’ve lost the weight for the role, but I don’t know if I’ll keep it off. That’s the big question. I have a lot of tantrums. I want my food. I cry for no reason.” —Seth Rogen on losing weight for The Green Hornet [Female First]