Wow — in your face, Jimmy Fallon! Featured on the cover of the new People is (most of) the cast of Saved by the Bell, whom Fallon has been trying to reunite on his fledgling late-night show for months. Mark-Paul Gosselaar had said recently that he thought Fallon had put them “under the gun” and indicated the stars of SBtB would be interested in reconvening, “but it’s got to be under our terms.” And apparently People met those terms! A few weeks ago, blind-item blog Crazy Days and Nights reported that the cover was being negotiated, but that Bell’s main actors would only agree to it on the condition that sex-tape-making Dustin “Screech” Diamond and creepy Dennis “Mr. Belding” Haskins were excluded — which they were, evidently. Plus we bet everybody got paid.
Making this even better is Tiffani-Amber Thiessen’s new Funny or Die video (viewable after the jump) in which she claims she was simply “too busy” to reunite for Fallon. Tonight will be a very sad episode of Late Night.
Related: Saved by the Bell Reunion Fallout: Mr. Belding Feels ‘Disrespected,’ Screech Loses Book Deal
Poor Screech Cropped and Photoshopped Out of Existence by Mean-spirited People Photo Department