“It was very much so, though I think she originally conceived it for Woody Allen. I guess she figured she wouldn’t get him, but I’m available and I’ll do anything, so I was glad to do it.” —Paul Giamatti on his Cold Souls character [AV Club]
“As a heterosexual couple that at moments could seem gay, they play it off very well. These guys are sort of in love with each other. It’s real mate-ship. It’s trying to keep that balance. You have to endear yourself to them, and at times you skate on thin ice because it’s such a relationship about two men. I’ve been accused of this underlying theme in my films on more than one occasion.” —Guy Ritchie on his Sherlock and Watson in Sherlock Holmes [MTV]
“In my audition I was terrible. I was stuttering and I was covering my face with my script. And they gave me so many chances to improvise, and everything that would come out of my mouth was not funny until, like, the end, when I said one thing. And I was really sure that I did not get the job. And then when I did get the job, I said my lines very stiffly, like, ‘Hi. I am Jodi. I heard you are pregnant.’ That was the line! [Judd Apatow] actually came out rubbing his forehead, going like, ‘Hmmmmmm.’ He was like, ‘Can you just do what you did in the audition?’ I was like, ‘I don’t remember.’ He was like, ‘You know what? Let’s just roll for ten minutes. Have fun, forget about the script. Let’s just say stupid shit.’ I’m like, ‘Ooooo-kay, I don’t know if you’re going to like this.’ ” —Charlyne Yi on her role in Knocked Up [MovieFone]
“My whole life is about my art. To reject me as an artist is to completely reject me.” —Quentin Tarantino [Elle]
“I think if you can put a camera in anyone’s life and document it daily for six years from the age of 21 to 27, there are going to be things that aren’t always pretty.” —Sienna Miller on the perils of twentysomething fame [GQ via Access Interviews]
“In the music business in the seventies, girls were beautiful. You were a performer or you could be a girlfriend or groupie, but you still had to look good. I didn’t have the face or the body that opens doors. I didn’t have any talent, either, and I left school with barely a single qualification. If I’d been pretty, my life would probably have been very different. Not being beautiful was an education.” —Sharon Osbourne [Female First]
“Probably learn to speak French. Or I might spend three weeks straight with no sleep, learning the piano. You’d get really good at stuff because you would have time to do everything.” —Robert Pattinson on what he’d do if he was immortal, like Edward Cullen [Ok! via MTV]