It certainly looks familiar, doesn’t it? The New Yorker this week has an excerpt from Dave Eggers’ novelization of his screenplay for Where the Wild Things Are, which runs alongside a Q&A. We were momentarily excited to see his being asked where he got the idea for the furry cover of the book’s limited edition, because we thought it might finally give him a chance to come clean — obviously, he was inspired by Vulture’s mock-up for a limited-edition, hair-covered case for the (still-not-released!) Cavemen Season One DVD, right? Alas, he won’t admit it: “It was just an idea I had, that it could be cool to have a book covered in fake fur,” he says. Yeah, right, Dave.
Dave Eggers on “Max at Sea” [NYer]
Earlier: Cave-fans Rejoice! ‘Cavemen’ Coming to DVD?