In Jason Reitman’s upcoming Telluride hit Up in the Air, George Clooney plays a professional downsizer, flying from city to city, accumulating frequent-flier miles, and firing employees the bosses are too scared to dispense with themselves. On his way to a million miles, he meets his match in a fellow traveler played by Vera Farmiga, but their relationship is threatened when his own job becomes endangered. With all this firing going on, Paramount has a movie that’s simultaneously perfectly timed for the current recession and a tricky sell to an escapism-seeking nation at 9.7 percent unemployment. So what does Paramount do? It releases this new Reitman-cut trailer, revealing for the first time (to us, anyway) that Air features a small appearance from Zach Galifianakis, whose mere presence in anything guarantees at least $100 million these days. (The rest of the movie looks great, also.)
Exclusive: Up in the Air Teaser Trailer [Slashfilm]