Even just-unfrozen-caveman indie-rock fans know that Dirty Projectors’ Bitte Orca will crush all comers on the impending year-end best-of lists. As if to flaunt the ease with which they churn out their pretty, twisting jams, David Longstreth’s crew has unveiled two previously unreleased songs, “Ascending Melody” and “Emblem of the World,” just before the run-up to accolade season (they’re both B-sides on Temecula Sunrise). We’re not going to fall into the trap of trying to describe what they sound like, especially after seeing Longstreth pick apart his reviewers over at the A.V. Club. But we will say we’re not mad these didn’t end up on Bitte — as challenging and engaging as they both are, they’re also a reminder that even the DPs have a template. Still, “Ascending Melody” is pretty friggin’ great.
Listen to “Emblem of the World” and “Ascending Melody” at hypem.com [Stereogum]