“Maybe I’m misjudging people, but I feel like a lot of people still have an image of me in a bonnet at nine years old.”—Anna Paquin on not escaping her Oscar-winning role in The Piano [Telegraph UK]
“I worshiped New Kids on the Block. Donnie has always been fine to me. He’s like wine, girl. When they came on The View, Whoopi [Goldberg] and Joy [Behar] let Elisabeth and me do the interview because we were like such school girls; they said they’d take Tony Bennett when he comes. The thing about Twitter is that I forget I have 130,000-plus followers, and I keep thinking I’m just talking to my friend in Minnesota. I absolutely could not handle a one-on-one with Donnie Wahlberg.”—Sherri Shepherd [LAT]
“It’s always a funny feeling when you’re walking down a street shooting a movie and all of a sudden, the paparazzi are there and everybody flees, because they don’t want to be the person who is stuck with the ‘mystery guy’ arrow. My poor girlfriend — we were going on holiday and her boyfriend happened to walk with me onto the plane, so snap, snap, the next thing you knew, ‘mystery man’ and it was my friend’s boyfriend!”—Jennifer Aniston [Contact Music]
“It’s performance art.”—James Franco on his upcoming role on General Hospital [Showbiz 411]
“I knew how to roller skate in a rink 20 years ago, but this is definitely different because the track is slanted and elevated, and you’re not just skating with your friends listening to Eddie Rabbit. You’re hitting each other and learning how to fall.”—Kristen Wiig on learning to roller derby for Whip It [LAT]
“I don’t want to because he is not the world’s fastest director, and I like to get in and do my work and go home and put the kids to bed. I’m afraid there would be this moment where I would say, ‘Okay. You’ve got it. I promise you it is in the can. I’ve got to go home.’”—Jennifer Garner would not want to be directed by Ben Affleck [Contact Music]