The uproar continues today over Adam Lambert’s blow-job-filled performance at Sunday’s American Music Awards! MJ’s Big Blog reports (and the Times confirms) that ABC has canceled a Good Morning America appearance by the American Idol runner-up scheduled for tomorrow. A network spokesperson tells ArtsBeat: “Given his controversial American Music Awards performance, we were concerned about airing a similar concert so early in the morning.” But there’s good news! CBS isn’t quite so skittish about breakfast-hour mock-oral sex, and they’ve reportedly booked Adam for tomorrow’s Early Show. Set those alarms, fellatio fans!
Update: The Live Feed confirms Adam’s Early Show booking.
Adam Lambert 11/25 Good Morning America Appearance CANCELLED [MJ’s Big Blog]
Adam Lambert Concert, Planned for ‘Good Morning America,’ Is Canceled [ArtsBeat/NYT]
Adam Lambert To Appear On CBS Early Show Tomorrow After GMA Cancellation [Rickey.org]