At a press conference yesterday, Nine actress Fergie told reporters that, on the set of the film, her co-star Daniel Day-Lewis was so immersed in his role that he left love notes in her dressing room from his character to hers: “I’d find this little note. I’d open it, and it would be Guido’s stationery. He would write me little notes as Guido,” she explained. “They were very cute and very charming.” But here’s the problem: In the musical, Fergie plays Saraghina, a prostitute Guido Contini meets when he’s 10 years old (her big scene is a flashback). Therefore, it’s doubtful that the adult Guido portrayed by Day-Lewis would even know Saraghina, much less write her love letters. Come on, Daniel — that’s some bush-league Method acting. [PopEater]