When Vulture attended the Bored To Death panel discussion at the Paley Center a few weeks back, show creator (and “drowned ghostly ship’s captain” resembling) Jonathan Ames played it coy when an audience member asked him about the role marijuana plays in the show’s creative-development process. As he put it, “I think it can be a lovely drug, from my memory of it.” Well, we caught up with Ames at the Moth Ball the other night, and he was singing a bit of a different, sweet-smelling tune. “You know that vaporizer they use [on Bored to Death]?,” he asked us. “I was given that by the production, yeah. So fucking good. They gave us a vaporizer. Yeah … it’s really good. Was yesterday Monday? So Sunday, I vaporized mid-day. I love it. I love my vaporizer. One bag, it’s like getting heroin.” Guess you can chalk that up as yet another reason why a good number of TV creatives choose HBO over Showtime.
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story contained an inaccurate quote about the Bored To Death producers, Jonathan Ames and marijuana. We have corrected the quote and we regret the error.