trailer mix

Kick-Ass Trailer: a Clockwork McLovin?

When first we heard that director Matthew Vaughn was heroically raising the necessary $30 million himself to adapt Mark Millar’s comic-book series Kick-Ass — just because studios were too scared to produce a film in which F-bomb-dropping teenagers inflicted spectacular amounts of ultraviolence on one another — we saluted his bravery. And here’s the movie’s teaser trailer! Kick-Ass stars Nowhere Boy’s Aaron Johnson as a regular high schooler who suits up and fights crime as the titular superhero, features Christopher Mintz-Plasse as his sidekick, and looks pretty much as apeshit-awesome as we’d hoped. Ever wanted to see McLovin whip out a gun and shoot a guy? Here you go!

Kick-Ass Trailer: a Clockwork McLovin?