It’s raining trailers! First we got a look at Iron Man 2, and now here’s the not-quite-as-anticipated teaser clip for The Runaways, a rock biopic on Joan Jett’s first band, starring noted badasses Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning. It looks like wonderfully hackneyed myth-building — at one point someone goes “The Runaways have the most chance of any group I’ve seen to tear this world apart” — but that’s all right, ’cause everyone seems to be having the requisite amount of fun. Our first question: Should Stewart be singing? Those are her vocals on the new version of the Runaways’ “Cherry Bomb” that’s soundtracking the clip. Our second question: Is Stewart a movie star when vampires or werewolves aren’t involved? We’ll find out for sure when the movie comes out in March, but she certainly looks the part while throwing beer bottles through recording-studio windows and upending trash cans. (Fanning mostly looks confused.) Check it out!