Funny People: Steve Carell and Tina Fey are attached to star in Mail-Order Groom, a comedy reuniting the two Date Night stars. The story revolves around a woman who has trouble finding love. She travels to Eastern Europe, where she finds a husband to bring home to the U.S. Based on an idea from Fey’s husband, Jeff Richmond, the script is currently undergoing a rewrite because it didn’t include enough cheesy blasters. [THR]
Where the Streets Have No Shame: Emmy Rossum has singed on to star opposite William H. Macy in John Wells’ Showtime pilot Shameless. The show is based on a long-running British TV show and the U.S. version will focus on a blue collar Chicago family hit hard by the recession. With a missing mother and a drunkard for a father (Macy), the family’s 18-year-old daughter (Rossum) is forced to take care of her five younger brothers. It’s a truly impossible task, since one woman can only prevent so many wedgies. [THR]
Chuck Broadcasting System: CBS has given the greenlight to Mike and Molly, a multicamera sitcom from Chuck Lorre, the brains behind Two and a Half Men and The Big Bang Theory. Written by Mark Roberts, the show revolves around a couple that constantly has to deal with overeating. They address their problem by joining Overeaters Anonymous. Think of it as Rosanne meets The Biggest Loser meets Intervention. [THR]
Norse Code: Rene Russo has joined the cast of Kenneth Branagh’s CGI-heavy Thor. Russo will play Frigga, the wife of Odin (Anthony Hopkins) and the step-mother of Thor. The rest of the cast includes Kat Dennings, Idris Elba, Stuart Townsend and Ray Stevenson. Somehow, Fabio isn’t involved. [Variety]
Fresh Take: USA Network is developing a series based on the 1990 movie The Freshman. Andrew Bergman, who wrote and directed the original film, will write the adaptation for Sony TV. The movie, which starred Marlon Brando and Matthew Broderick, centered on a naive NYU student who unwittingly gets a job for a mob boss. He becomes suspicious after finding thumbs in the spaghetti. [THR]