As much as we’d love to get right into this, we realize that this whole story is highly SPOILERish. So, as not to offend any of your delicate sensibilities, we’re just going to continue this conversation below.
So, as you’ll recall, a mini-scandal broke out last week when the New York Post reported that one of the contestants on this season of The Bachelor stepped out on Jake Pavelka with one of the show’s producers. This revelation led your friendly Vulture editors to actually tune into the episode (!) and, subsequently, conduct an in-depth (yet highly speculative!) investigation into which one of the contestants was the cuckolder.
So, as you’ll recall, a mini-scandal broke out last week when the New York Post reported that one of the contestants on this season of The Bachelor stepped out on Jake Pavelka with one of the show’s producers. This revelation led your friendly Vulture editors to actually tune into the episode (!) and, subsequently, conduct an in-depth (yet highly speculative!) investigation into which one of the contestants was the cuckolder.
Well, you’ll be glad to know that our spidey senses did not lead us astray. It turns out that one of our top three suspects, one Rozlyn Papa, was indeed the offending party (the crazy eyes were a dead giveaway). However, there’s a catch! In an interview with Radar Online, Papa says that, despite ABC’s hinting as much, she did NOT have a “sexual relationship” with a show producer. “What [ABC] means by inappropriate relationship is not what inappropriate relationship means in the real world,” she explains. Color us confused! If we are to believe Papa, then why would ABC put her on blast?
Again, allow us to speculate: Could it be that ABC realized that they had a boring Bachelor on their hands and then decided to blow what was a minor (yet still sorta scandalous) relationship way out of proportion as a means of generating more interest in the show? Lending additional credence to our theory is the fact that Papa is speaking out about the controversy; generally, ABC (and other networks) have strict rules in place that forbid contestants on their reality shows from discussing specific plot points that occurred on the shows until after the program airs. So how come ABC’s lawyers haven’t gone ballistic on Papa and filed injunctions against her that would prevent her from speaking to the media? Could it be that maybe, just maybe, they are secretly loving all of the publicity that this pseudo-scandal is generating? We just asked the Magic 8-Ball sitting on our desk and, strangely enough, the answer came back with the following: “Signs point to yes.”
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Bachelor Scandal Woman Says ‘I Did NOT Have A Sexual Relationship With Producer!’ [Radar Online]