This season of The Bachelor has been a tedious slog, one that mainly served to remind us why ABC was so close to euthanizing the program before the unexpected ratings success of the DeAnna Pappas and Jason Mesnick editions breathed new life into the franchise. It’s a telling indication of the vitality of the show and the (lack of) vigilance on the part of the producers that cameras failed to capture a single shred of visual evidence of Rozlyn Papa fling, arguably the most interesting thing to happen on the program since the days of “Bachelor” Bob Guiney. However, that didn’t stop ABC from making the Papa scandale the centerpiece of their “Women Tell All” special last night. And although Papa found herself (rightly?) under siege from basically everyone in the studio, she was able to turn the tables on Bachelor host Chris Harrison in a way that made millions of people watching the program in the comfort of their living rooms scream, “Oh, SNAP!” in unison.
As they say on the playground, “FACE!”