Outside of Sandra Bullock, one could make a solid argument that Betty White is the buzziest actress in Hollywood these days. Fresh off a year which saw her star in a smash that grossed $400 million worldwide (yet apparently isn’t sequel-worthy), anchor the most popular commercial in the Super Bowl, and pick up a lifetime achievement award from her SAG peers, the 88-year-old comedienne has now gone viral. To date, over 391,000 people have joined the Facebook group Betty White to Host SNL (please?)!, a number which has apparently gotten the attention of Lorne Michaels. In a phone call with Diane Sawyer (one that, from the looks of things, Sawyer decided to conduct in an ABC locker room), the Facebook group’s founder passes along the word that White’s people have been in “early discussions” with the good folks at SNL about the self-described “technological spaz” hosting the show. Despite this groundswell of support, we don’t see Lorne bending to the will of the people to make this happen, but we will admit that we’d love to see a skit where White and Grady Wilson got it on.