“I didn’t know George Washington wore tights so tight. I actually couldn’t put the tights on how I was supposed to because they were so tight. I was kind of embarrassed with the tights on because they really hug your nuts. So instead of the tights that we bought from the prop house, I had a pair of tights [thermals] also. I’m from New York. So I put on my own tights. I didn’t wear the costume tights that they bought. More baggy, more space for my nuts. We tried some shots with the wig, without the wig, with the hat, without the hat, some with me holding my beat machine. It was real fun.” —The RZA on posing for the painting Victory or Death [L.A. Weekly via Pitchfork]
“Everybody keeps asking me. Of course I would take over for Mr. Cowell. If they officially ask, I’m there. I’m just waiting. I just think it’s amazing that on American Idol those guys like Simon and my man, Randy, make so much dough from watching people that are talented. That’s amazing to me and I could sit there and listen just like they do.” —Jamie Foxx [Parade]
“[The most expensive thing I own is] a wooden bathtub, which we call the Batman Bathtub (The Dark Knight paid for it).” —Maggie Gyllenhaal [Guardian UK]
“Instead of waiting tables I got to put make-up on gals, so that was kind of nice. I didn’t know how to do make-up at the time. I convinced the ladies at the counter — I said, ‘Why is it that you guys are wearing makeup? Maybe you want a guy’s opinion [on how] to put on your make-up.’” —Jeremy Renner on his pre–Hurt Locker days [Contact Music]
“I became an actor but I still don’t feel that I’m a part of this profession. I never have — 50 years I’ve been doing it. … It’s nice to get a knighthood but in the end it’s just the same old face in the mirror getting older and older — you have to shave every morning and you look at your face and think: this is it, this is the deal. … There was a Jesuit priest I knew once and somebody asked him, ‘What’s the shortest prayer in the world?’ And he said, ‘Fuck it’. That’s great, isn’t it?” —Anthony Hopkins [Times UK]