“Bloomin heck. In The Loop nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar. Bonk me purple.” —Armando Iannucci [Alnnucci/Twitter]
“I always believe it’s very unlikely that lightening will strike twice. I believe it’s very unlikely that we will win because I made such a jackass out of myself last time. Although there might be some curiosity about what I might do. The Hurt Locker is a very, very strong picture. Of the contenders, it’s definitely the strongest. Certainly it’s Kathryn’s moment. I would happily lose to her. I’ve already got one of those damn statues. I’d be pissed off if somebody else won, but I wouldn’t mind if she won.” —James Cameron [Empire via IMDb]
“I made a fool of myself the first day of shooting. I got to my trailer and I saw this huge crowd of girls screaming. I stopped and was kind of having a moment. Then I turned around, and Chace was behind me, and that’s who they were freaking out for. I remember thinking, ‘What kind of bullshit is this?’” —50 Cent on shooting Twelve with Chace Crawford [Monsters and Critics]
“I thought [Kristen Stewart] had a quiet intensity, the physical stuff … just the way we move in space. We shake our legs, our hands are all over. She just studied me, man.” —Joan Jett on Stewart’s portrayal of her in The Runaways [Contact Music]
“I do believe some liposuction is in order, a very strict diet regime, and I will acquire a very light English accent.” —Sandra Bullock on her pre-Oscar routine [Us]
“I am thinking about it. And I am praying about it. It’s a huge decision. I have not been able to turn off the TV and have been very moved by what I have seen so I think that could be a real possibility for my life. I am adopted myself so I am going to go there and help raise the profile of the cause just as it starts to fade. I have just got to plan my schedule.” —Kristin Chenoweth on adopting a Haitian orphan [Showbiz Spy]