We at Vulture love a good teaser about our most-anticipated TV shows and movies. But there’s a difference between a sly teaser and the carpet-bombing of all suspense, a distinction someone needs to explain to Glee creator Ryan Murphy: Over the last few months he has given away almost the entire plot of Glee’s back-nine episodes, and is now getting to work on blabbing about season two. Putting together the myriad “hints” he’s dropped over the past few months, we’ve been able to outline most of the star-studded second half of the season, which begins Tuesday, April 13. Of course, we will preface this with a MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT, although perhaps Murphy should have done that himself. Continue at your own risk.
• The premiere (which was screened already at this year’s PaleyFest) finds Sue Sylvester back at work, bothering Will (who’s officially dating Emma), and getting Brittany and Santana to seduce Finn, who’s now kind of with Rachel. Except our sensitive jock isn’t over Quinn, while Rachel has been making eyes with Vocal Adrenaline’s lead singer, played by Jonathan Groff (whom Lea Michele starred with in Spring Awakening, but that’s not so much a spoiler as a fun fact). Idina Menzel shows up, though she’s playing Vocal Adrenaline’s coach and not Rachel’s mom, as people were hoping for. (Speaking of Rachel’s parentage, no, we won’t be meeting her two gay dads this season.) All the songs in the episode involve the word “hello” or “hell” in some way and include: “Hello, I Love You,” “Gives You Hell,” “Hello,” “Highway to Hell,” “Hello Again,” and “Hello Goodbye.” They weren’t kidding when they said there would be more songs in these episodes.
• Episode two will be the Madonna tribute episode, which will feature ten (!) of Madge’s songs, with the showstopper most likely being Jane Lynch singing “Vogue” after Kurt and Mercedes give her a makeover. Another major pop star getting a tribute episode during this run: Lady Gaga. A theater-themed episode will pay homage to the diva, but the producers are keeping quiet as to whether or not she’ll make an appearance. Hey, we found something that’s still secret!
• In episode four, everybody’s favorite “couple of good-looking Jews,” Rachel and Puck, get back together and do two duets. This plan wasn’t originally in the cards, but when Murphy saw how well fans responded to the pair in the first half of the season, he made sure to work them into this batch of episodes.
Other things filling up the nine shows:
• The premiere (which was screened already at this year’s PaleyFest) finds Sue Sylvester back at work, bothering Will (who’s officially dating Emma), and getting Brittany and Santana to seduce Finn, who’s now kind of with Rachel. Except our sensitive jock isn’t over Quinn, while Rachel has been making eyes with Vocal Adrenaline’s lead singer, played by Jonathan Groff (whom Lea Michele starred with in Spring Awakening, but that’s not so much a spoiler as a fun fact). Idina Menzel shows up, though she’s playing Vocal Adrenaline’s coach and not Rachel’s mom, as people were hoping for. (Speaking of Rachel’s parentage, no, we won’t be meeting her two gay dads this season.) All the songs in the episode involve the word “hello” or “hell” in some way and include: “Hello, I Love You,” “Gives You Hell,” “Hello,” “Highway to Hell,” “Hello Again,” and “Hello Goodbye.” They weren’t kidding when they said there would be more songs in these episodes.
• There will be three new characters, including a male version of Mercedes, a rival for Rachel, and a fabulous jock boyfriend for Kurt.
• Neil Patrick Harris will guest-star in May, and his episode will be directed by his Dr. Horrible puppet master Joss Whedon. NPH plays one of Will’s old high-school rivals, and the two sing Aerosmith together. Commence swooning.
• Jennifer Lopez may pop in for a brief stint.
• Neil Patrick Harris will guest-star in May, and his episode will be directed by his Dr. Horrible puppet master Joss Whedon. NPH plays one of Will’s old high-school rivals, and the two sing Aerosmith together. Commence swooning.
• The finale will air June 8 at 9 p.m and will undoubtedly feature at least five guest stars and sixteen musical numbers.
Now let’s start filling out our calendars for season two: Murphy has announced a goal of at least 25 episodes (most TV seasons are 22) and a plot to possibly send New Directions to a competition in New York. Come to think of it, considering that tickets for this summer’s concert tour sold out in minutes, these “leaks” seem to be working pretty well for Glee. So as long as Murphy doesn’t tell us what the Lost island really is in advance, we’re cool.