New Jersey punk rockers Titus Andronicus got a coveted Pitchfork Best New Music tag for their first album, The Airing of Grievances, but then we didn’t hear about them again until their front man got pissed off at Vice magazine. Their new single “A More Perfect Union” (off their upcoming Civil War concept album, The Monitor) is here now and engendering some good vibes around Vulture HQ; the knock on the band is generally that they came off too much like a ramped-up Bright Eyes, but that just means they sound more or less exactly like Conor Oberst’s forgotten anti-urban-sprawl side project Desaparecidos, which, at least in our book, is a great thing. While you’re listening, play spot the reference: We’ve found Billy Bragg, the Boss, and discount Chinatown buses so far.