“I’m Anna Paquin. I’m bisexual, and I give a damn.” —Anna Paquin in a new PSA [Give a Damn]
“She has every right as an American to do that, she also has every right to get arrested. You’re taking chances when you do things like that. I never used nudity in my shows I always thought it was too easy — that’s an easy way to shock. I can see what she was going for; if it was sexually oriented I might have more of a problem with it.” —Alice Cooper weighs in on Erykah Badu’s “Window Seat” music video [Early Show via You Heard That New]
“Oliver Stone didn’t mommy-cuddle me. He treated me like one of the boys. … He just expected you to be ready and prepared and not be sort of frail and act like a girl.” —Carey Mulligan on Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps [Parade]
“Who’s Justin Bieber?” —Tyler Perry [MTV]
“I think we broke all the records in the manner of blood used. I don’t remember the exact number, but we passed Kill Bill. … The biggest thing for the fans is going to be the big spring-break wet T-shirt contest, where we have thousands of spring-break groups on the water. And the party has its climax when the piranhas come and start attacking everyone. It’s almost 25 minutes of a huge massacre, and it’s really insane.” —Piranha 3-D director Alexandre Aja [MTV]
“It’s pretty amazing. If you think about how many pieces the writers had to put together in order to make it fall into place, it’s mind-boggling, and they did such a great job. Some of the twists and turns are just so clever. For me it was very satisfying. After I read it, I had to sit for five or 10 minutes, just reflecting and digesting, because it definitely makes an impact.” —Daniel Dae Kim on the final episode of Lost [“I feel that for what I have accomplished I could get a little more respect. People [at Disney] were not sure at first if they could trust me. They knew I could do Hannah Montana. But to put me out there as a music artist, they were a bit skeptical. I had to fight to get a real stage, to be a real music artist.” —Miley Cyrus [Reuters]
“The thing I noticed when I saw him was not only his amazing blues but his physical assault on the guitar. … Me, Eric [Clapton], and Jimmy [Page], we were cursed because we were from Surrey. We all looked like we’d walked out of a Burton’s shop window. There was Jimi with his military jacket, his hair about 14 feet in the air, playing with his teeth. We would have loved to have done that. He hit me like an earthquake when he arrived. I had to think long and hard about what I did next. The wounds were quite deep, actually, and I had to lick them on my own.” —Jeff Beck on Jimi Hendrix [Telegraph UK]
“I don’t know if I’m interested in the blockbuster whimsical stuff any more — I want to be a little ballsier; balls, blood and death, kind of thing … Not outrageously so, just something a little grittier, with a little more meat to chew on.” —Shia LaBeouf [FHM via IMDb]