April’s Best and Worst Star Photos

With May on the horizon, movie studios and record labels only have a couple of months to convince the masses how to spend their time and money this summer. And so the stars of their upcoming projects are dispatched to the photo departments of glossy magazines: Shia LeBeouf promotes Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps in GQ with a paper airplane and fine suit. Amanda Seyfried plugs Letters to Juliet not with letters, but with a Lady Gaga–esque lace body stocking in Esquire. Kristen Wiig (MacGruber) poses as Frida Kahlo in V, while Marion Cotillard (Inception) poses with a balloon animal in AnOther. And Penn Badgley, Nick Jonas, and Paul Dano fall victim to some less-than-stellar styling. See those images and more in the slideshow.

Kristen Wiig posed pretty convincingly as icons like Brigitte Bardot and Carmen Miranda for V. Here you see her as painter Frida Kahlo.

Those eyes, they ain't smiling. She could be mid-faint in this shot for all we know.

They've got the car and everything.

Inflated From Behind, the Sequel.

The sweatshirt is too shrunken (he looks bloated!), the beard is too thin, and if he's going to wear gloves indoors, they had better be fingerless. It...
The sweatshirt is too shrunken (he looks bloated!), the beard is too thin, and if he's going to wear gloves indoors, they had better be fingerless. It's a hipster's worst nightmare!

May he never ruin that cherubic 16-year-old face with facial hair!

Even Walken's theater colleagues look surprised that Vogue would shoot him like this, in character or not. Though those crevices may make a case for t...
Even Walken's theater colleagues look surprised that Vogue would shoot him like this, in character or not. Though those crevices may make a case for the magazine's favorite eye-lifting serum.

This is the legendary gonzo author transformed into a woman. What makes the shot so great is that the hands give that away so obviously.
Celebrity photo spreads are always more interesting when something unexpected occurs. We imagine Maxwell walks around everywhere — the club, the mall,...
Celebrity photo spreads are always more interesting when something unexpected occurs. We imagine Maxwell walks around everywhere — the club, the mall, the gym — gyrating and flashing hearts at people.
This is everything a European rock band should be — sweaty, smokey, and black and white.
The day of a blogger often starts with rolling out of bed to a laptop, which we may as well be in a relationship with.
Everyone who goes to the trouble to throw a party should give their friends a chance to admire them in this manner.
Look, ma! NO ARMS!
They Photoshopped her nipples out, or gave her some pasties. For a men's magazine that shot Mary-Louise Parker carrying a pie with her bare ass sticki...
They Photoshopped her nipples out, or gave her some pasties. For a men's magazine that shot Mary-Louise Parker carrying a pie with her bare ass sticking out of her apron, this is notable.
They automatically make her look concerned, sensitive. Maybe this is the solution to Hollywood's botox-induced inability to emote.
The only time a man could justify wearing such a tie is if he's awarding a first-prize ribbon to a barnyard animal.
He looks like he's been wandering the financial district since the first Wall Street came out in the eighties.
We don't doubt traders are that silly, but we've seen CNBC during the day and do doubt their suits look that sharp.
Before the shoot he sold a couple used Cadillacs and placed a bet at the race track.
The woman's tall. She could just tip over.
One eye is bigger than the other and he's still sexy.
The chair kind of disappears behind her dress, so she looks like she's floating. It's a neat effect.