“There’s zero extras! There’s so few extras that you put it in, you push play, and the movie starts. There are no trailers, there’s no bullshit at the beginning that you have to endlessly go through. I have a deal with the studio and it goes like this: Any movie I make that makes over a billion dollars goes out without a bunch of crap trailers for your other movies.” —James Cameron on the 2-D Avatar DVD [PopWatch/EW]
“I’ve been playing myself for so long, someone else should have a go, and I think Natalie Portman is the man for the job.” —Russell Brand on who should play him in a biopic [Celebrity Mania via Fark]
“It would be probably be called A Life in Lycra.” —Andy Serkis on what his biopic would be called [Tribeca Film]
“[I play cello,] guitar, piano, trumpet, a little bit of harmonica. … I wanna put my hands in everything. Pretty much, anything I can make a sound with — I’ll play this fucking tree!” —B.o.B. [Idolator]
“Some of the songs I’ve heard are going to be crazy. She’s getting bigger and better.” —Akon on Lady Gaga’s next album [Vibe]
“Well, if Party Down gets picked up for a third season, which I really hope it does, I can continue to do up to three episodes. I believe that’s what I’m allowed to do. So we hope that it gets picked up, but Starz didn’t pick up Party Down in time to save cast members. We gave them chances, but they wanted to wait to see how it does when season two airs. So we had to take other jobs.” —Adam Scott [AV Club]
“When they picked me for the part, I thought they were mistaken. I thought I was going to be swiftly recast and fired and deported [back to Canada].” —Glee’s Cory Monteith [ET via People]
“I think it’s rather unfortunate that the villain in every movie is always British, we’re such an easy target that they can comfortably make the Brits the villains. It’s just nice to say we’re not snooty, stuck up, malevolent, malignant creatures as we’re so often portrayed. We’re actually kind of cool and hip!” —Helen Mirren [Telegraph UK]
“I’ve been asked, but I can’t do it. If there was an ’80s Moves With the Stars, then I could maybe do it.” —Alyssa Milano on Dancing With the Stars [Us]
“I think what he finds in Emma Stone’s character — the 17-year-old girl — I think they know instinctively that whatever it is they’re missing, or whatever they need to move on, is in that other person. Early on, they know it’s beyond sexual; that isn’t it. It’s bigger than that, and they realize it’s bigger than that. But they don’t know what it is. I think that’s what I found interesting about the story: that search. … Yeah, and I get drunk, and I say … Yeah, that isn’t it. Dead end. It’s beyond that. What is it? I don’t think he knows.” —Jeff Daniels on his Paper Man character [Movieline]
“I’m enjoying the last few hours of my life entertaining you. I’m going to go sign some autographs down there … I’ll wait for any of you who want to pay an astronomical amount of money, I just don’t understand it, to get my autograph.” —William Shatner [Daily Titan via Fark]