Bucking the sequels trend, Twentieth Century Fox officially announced today that they are developing a prequel for their Planet of the Apes franchise, a “contemporary origin story” called Rise of the Apes, due in theaters June 24, 2011, directed by Rupert Wyatt (The Escapist) from a script by Amanda Silver and Rick Jaffa. The visual-effects team will be using Avatar-style technologies instead of costumed actors to create “photo-realistic apes.” And if they’re looking for a “prequel version” of 2001’s Apes star Mark Wahlberg, we have a hunch Taylor Lautner may be getting a call soon.
Fox Firms Up ‘Planet Of The Apes’ Prequel [Deadline]
Previously: Vulture Exclusive: Fox’s Planet of the Apes Reboot of the Reboot Is Back On