Fox has opted to double down on its dramas this year, holding on to Lie to Me and Human Target, even as these shows struggle to find an audience. But hey, they still have House, Glee, Bones, and the cult favorite Fringe! As a result of this holding steady, Fox only has room for two new hour-longs, the buzzy drama Lonestar, and, in the network’s back pocket for midseason, the cop show Ride-Along, created by The Shield’s Shawn Ryan. Would you watch either? And if you’re watching Lie to Me, can you let us know? We’d just like to find the person doing that. (And when you’re done with these, check out the new Fox comedies.)
Lonestar is a soapy drama about a philandering, wily exec swept up in the world of big oil. Seems like appropriate job placement for that kind of businessman.
Ride-Along has the Shield pedigree, and also stars Brotherhood’s Jason Clarke, so if you’re looking for testosterone after all that talk about feelings over at, what, House?, this is probably the place.