We have exclusive details on the trailer for the J.J. Abrams–produced Super 8, which will unspool at 12:01 am Thursday night in front of Iron Man 2. We feel compelled to insert a spoiler alert — read no further if you just want it to be a surprise! — lest a livid Cloverfield fan hurl an icy Slusho! in our direction. Here’s what we know for certain …
Insiders familiar with the trailer tell us that it shows a bunch of kids who are shooting a movie with a Super 8 camera in the seventies or eighties. When they develop the film, they notice that there’s an alien creature in the frame. Our sources also say that Super 8 is absolutely connected to 2008’s Cloverfield (possibly a prequel, but not a sequel). (See update!)
Insiders familiar with the trailer tell us that it shows a bunch of kids who are shooting a movie with a Super 8 camera in the seventies or eighties. When they develop the film, they notice that there’s an alien creature in the frame. Our sources also say that Super 8 is absolutely connected to 2008’s Cloverfield (possibly a prequel, but not a sequel). (See update!)
Update: J.J. Abrams’s Cloverfield-esque Super 8 Has ‘Absolutely Nothing to Do With Cloverfield’