The latest Real Housewives series, set to further tarnish the reputation of the nation’s capital on August 5, will indeed include Michaele and Tareq Salahi, the infamous White House State-dinner crashers. The show will play up the social-climbing side of the political town:
“‘We never envisioned that Nancy Pelosi would be a real housewife of D.C.,’ said [producer] Abby Greensfelder, ‘We didn’t do any traditional casting. It was all talking to people who knew people who knew people. That’s the way in which D.C. works. It’s a town that’s all about the proximity to power, and it operates in these concentric circles, around the White House.’â€
Sigh. Don’t you know that alienating the most press-hungry cast member is how it gets that way?! Well, we were ready to say good-bye to The Real Housewives of New York City after a three-part reunion, but we’re already ripe for the Reasons Why Michaele Salahi Is a Disgusting Person game! Gird your loins.
“‘I do think we’re going to have a classier set of ladies, with one exception,’ [cast member Michelle Delino] said, in an obvious reference to the Salahis, ‘who will elevate the show and bring it to a higher standard, because it’s pretty low, when you see what New Jersey was all about.’â€
Sigh. Don’t you know that alienating the most press-hungry cast member is how it gets that way?! Well, we were ready to say good-bye to The Real Housewives of New York City after a three-part reunion, but we’re already ripe for the Reasons Why Michaele Salahi Is a Disgusting Person game! Gird your loins.
’Air-Kisses and Sniping? That’s Politics on the Real Housewives of D.C.’ [NYT]