the real housewives of dc

Michaele Salahi Will Be the Danielle Staub of Real Housewives of D.C.

The latest Real Housewives series, set to further tarnish the reputation of the nation’s capital on August 5, will indeed include Michaele and Tareq Salahi, the infamous White House State-dinner crashers. The show will play up the social-climbing side of the political town:

“‘We never envisioned that Nancy Pelosi would be a real housewife of D.C.,’ said [producer] Abby Greensfelder, ‘We didn’t do any traditional casting. It was all talking to people who knew people who knew people. That’s the way in which D.C. works. It’s a town that’s all about the proximity to power, and it operates in these concentric circles, around the White House.’â€

Sigh. Don’t you know that alienating the most press-hungry cast member is how it gets that way?! Well, we were ready to say good-bye to The Real Housewives of New York City after a three-part reunion, but we’re already ripe for the Reasons Why Michaele Salahi Is a Disgusting Person game! Gird your loins.

“‘I do think we’re going to have a classier set of ladies, with one exception,’ [cast member Michelle Delino] said, in an obvious reference to the Salahis, ‘who will elevate the show and bring it to a higher standard, because it’s pretty low, when you see what New Jersey was all about.’â€

Sigh. Don’t you know that alienating the most press-hungry cast member is how it gets that way?! Well, we were ready to say good-bye to The Real Housewives of New York City after a three-part reunion, but we’re already ripe for the Reasons Why Michaele Salahi Is a Disgusting Person game! Gird your loins.

’Air-Kisses and Sniping? That’s Politics on the Real Housewives of D.C.’ [NYT]

Michaele Salahi Will Be the Danielle Staub of Real Housewives of D.C.