“For some reason [Paramount doesn’t] want to make [Anchorman 2], I guess. I don’t know. I hope it’s one of those things that gets resolved because I think we’re all excited to [do it]. But if it doesn’t happen, we’ll just look to do Anchorman 3.” —Paul Rudd [Movies Blog/MTV]
“It doesn’t really bother me. I’m really close with all of our cast, and we’ve all seen each other in various compromising and odd situations.” —Anna Paquin on True Blood sex scenes [EW via HuffPo]
“What I’m hoping now with our project is it’s going to turn the ship sort of. They’re not going to see this whacked-out person … They’re going to see the artist coming out … In a way I kind of want this murmuring of meanness right now. I feel like when this actually comes out and when you see what the movie is and what she’s doing, it’s going to be so unexpected that it’s going to actually kind of blow people’s minds.” —Linda Lovelace biopic director Matthew Wilder on the film’s star, Lindsay Lohan [Uberblog/E!]
“I’ve never met Robert Pattinson before, but I will just say that we should make a vampire movie together.” —Jaden Smith [Movies Blog/MTV]
“My dad had the idea, and everybody knows in [our] house that my dad’s a little crazy, okay? He’s very crazy! But you know, when he said this, we were like ‘are you sure?’ and then we were like, ‘all right, we’re going to listen to you because you’re the guy.’” —Jaden Smith on how dad Will was behind The Karate Kid remake idea [Reuters]
“I may be flattering myself here, but I see myself as a Scorsese and my bandmates are all my De Niros — they’re involved in the script early on.” —LCD Soundsystem’s James Murphy [Spinner]
“I love Megan and I miss the girl.” —Shia LaBeouf on Megan Fox and Transformers 3 [Uberblog/E!]
“From Monday to Friday, I get up at 6 a.m., read six or seven papers and then by 8, I think of something weird. And then I get together with my office and try to sell it. On Friday nights, I go to bars and drink.” —John Waters [USAT]
“I was hoping she would know who I was, but I don’t think so. I said, ‘Hi, I’m Snooki, I’m a really big fan and you are gorgeous.’ She said, ‘Thank you.’ She was so polite. I was scared to even talk! I was nervous.” —Snooki on meeting Jennifer Aniston [Us]
“Unable to answer tweets fell off a mountain in Austria, all over red rover. Don’t know how i got there, but the media are never wrong. G’Bye.” —Russell Crowe, responding to rumors of his death [RussellCrowe/Twitter]