quote machine

M.I.A. Still No Fan of Lady Gaga

“[Oprah] made this huge speech at the ball praising Lady Gaga and about how she [Lady Gaga] is helping Americans to be the best of themselves. There’s millions of other Americans who represent that for me. Is [it] about numbers? About how much you’re selling? Is it truly about the journey? Because [Lady Gaga’s] journey isn’t that difficult: to go from the fucking Upper East Side to a fucking performing arts school and on to a stage at the museum of fucking wherever. That journey’s about four miles.” —M.I.A. [Time Out via Terra]

“I’m not coming out trying to prove anything to anyone, like, ‘Oh, I’m in assless chaps!’ or ‘I can’t be tamed!’ I’ve already been through that phase. I started at 23, you know?” —Katy Perry [Billboard]

“So sorry St. Louis. We had to bail, pigeons shitting in [bassist] Jared [Followill]’s mouth. Too unsanitary to continue … Don’t take it out on Jared, it’s the fucking venue’s fault. You may enjoy being shit on but we don’t. Sorry for all who traveled many miles.” —Kings of Leon drummer Nathan Folowill on why they canceled a concert [DoctorFolowill/Twitter via Pitchfork]

“They are not. They are a blend of some kind of herbs and spices that burn and look like real cigarettes. But there’s no nicotine or tar.” —Jon Hamm on whether the cigarettes he smokes on Mad Men are real [Time]

“Miley Cyrus is on a great track. I know that there are a lot of people that say well when you are so young you shouldn’t be sexy, [but] I think that in today’s world you kind of have to be [sexy] — to be competitive in the market.” —Tiffany [Us Weekly]

“All I can say is that we’re doing six Britney songs. … I sort of don’t want to say what we’re doing yet because it’s not airing until September, but we’re paying tribute to her in a fun and unexpected way.” —Glee creator Ryan Murphy on the show’s Britney Spears episode [Us Weekly]

M.I.A. Still No Fan of Lady Gaga