“I’ve been thinking of trying my hand at rap. I’ve been recording snippets on my BlackBerry.” —Rufus Wainwright [Telegraph UK]
“It’s a compliment when everybody is up my ass all the time, it really is.” —M. Night Shyamalan [SciFi Wire]
“The guy is a young guy and he made a big mistake and he needs to bounce back from that. And he needs an opportunity for a second chance. … He needs to be forgiven. Enough already. We can’t keep beating him up.” —Queen Latifah on Chris Brown [Dish Rag]
“I’m responsible. I wouldn’t have a No. 1 record or song if I wasn’t a hardworking person. People told me, ‘You shouldn’t be singing.’ I went through awkward, chubby, total weirdo phases. I was in a marching band. Did you ever think a little, fucking chubby, awkward girl with braces in the marching band would be No. 1 on top of the pop charts? No, you wouldn’t. People will start to respect me as a writer. Look at the charts, honey. … As annoying as you think I am, I’m not going anywhere, so you might as well get used to it.” —Ke$ha [MSNBC]
“The moms give us mad love. It’s a little different, but overall they help give us a career. The moms are great, they’re just a little more intense!” —Twilight’s Chaske Spencer [Parade]
“I don’t think [a sequel is] really necessary.” —Mia Wasikowska on Alice in Wonderland [MTV]
“I think it will take time for people to get over not seeing a lot of leg. [But] I think it’s going to be very sexy and it’s new and I love the little cap sleeve. You know, she’s a hip girl. … I think Wonder Woman has a mind of her own. And I think she was just kind of ready for something new. She’s got an attitude and if this is the new thing that she wants to wear, well, by God, she’s going to wear it. And I like that. And I hope that in the story someone mentions, where’s the old one? And she says, get over it!” —Lynda Carter on the new Wonder Woman costume [ABC]
“I don’t feel very comfortable on the red carpet. I look out there at a thousand people and I realize they could rush me and assassinate me. … No security could protect me. Ostensibly they’re fans, but I think about them turning on me.” —Kristen Stewart [Hello! via Popeater]