Kanye West has had a busy day today, jogging in Lanvin, listening to music, and tweeting. Among the tunes he threw on this morning was Justin Bieber’s “Runaway Love”: “But I have listened to Runaway Love about 10 times so far … ironically I got a song called Runaway on my new album too,” he tweeted. Out there in the social network, Justin Bieber heard this news and, adorably, tweeted back: “@kanyewest it’s not a so what moment for me. I’m 16 and a fan. I’m kinda hyped u are listening to my stuff. Thank u. Nice sunday morning.” Feeling a kinship over the Internet, Mr. West said, “Maybe we can do something together. Me, You and Raekwon,” which Bieber and over one hundred strangers retweeted, proving that the Internet can bring everyone together, or at least already hugely famous people!
Also on the West playlist today, according to his Twitter: La Roux’s “Bulletproof,” Drake’s “Miss Me,” Fiona Apple’s “Sleep to Dream,” and M.I.A.’s “Bamboo Banga.” Of the M.I.A tune he wrote, “Some mornings I have to play that old M.I.A album … I just have to … Bamboo Banga M.I.A coming back POOOWEEERRR POOOWERRRRR.” We concur, and thank him for reminding us of this song on an otherwise overcast day.
Twitter.com/KanyeWest [KanyeWest/Twitter via Sound of the City/VV]