What do you do when you’re a much heralded mixtape rapper whose debut major label album flops? If you’re Wale, you go back to the basics: earlier today the young man — whose 2009 Attention Deficit sold a piddling 28,000 copies in its first week despite the presence of Lady Gaga on its lead single — released More About Nothing, a sequel to the 2008 Mixtape About Nothing that first won him attention. Seeing as More, just like it’s predecessor, features both Wale-photo-shopped-into-the-Seinfeld crew artwork and a liberal sprinkling of Seinfeld samples, it’d be tough to not at least give it a chance. So here’s leadoff track “The Problem,” in which Wale angrily and confusingly makes excuses for his weak sales numbers (“my shit was submarine-like / undershipped”) and at one point describes himself as “hungry as a plastic hippopotamus.” Sounds good to us! Also: welcome back to the world of rap mixtapes, Jerry Seinfeld.
“The Problem”
Download More About Nothing at RapRadar