“Mike has legs, so does a chair — it doesn’t mean the chair can dance, right?” —Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, on The Situation’s dancing skills on Dancing With the Stars [MTV]
“They wouldn’t let me put on the album. But somehow it ended up on the Internet. I was happy, the fans wanted some new music. It’s like a music fairy somewhere that’s on the sides of the fans, [the tracks were] mixed and everything.” —Big Boi, on “Lookin’$2 4 Ya” and “Hustleblood,” two tracks featuring Benjamin 3000, that Jive Records blocked from being on Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty [Pop & Hiss/LAT]
“That was when it was a big deal to be scared of rappers, and all the new rappers that came out were trying to out-badass the next guy. You listen to [Ice-T’s] The Iceberg now, and it’s just terrible. So bad. But, as a 10-year-old kid, it was fun to have something to stuff under your mattress. I had to listen to it really quietly at home.” &mdashThe Walkmen’s Hamilton Leithauser on listening to rap as a 10-year-old [Pitchfork]
“I read it in high school, and probably understood 10 percent of it.” &mdashRob Epstein, one of the co-directors of Howl, on his first experience with the poem [AV Club]
“I started writing the script for Let Me In, and then Let the Right One In got big in the U.S. I thought, ‘Oh no, there’s going to be a lot more focus on this now.’ It was terrifying.” —Matt Reeves, director of Let Me In [Hero Complex/LAT]