
Heidi Klum Gets Lifetime Kids Show

Lifetime is doubling down on Heidi Klum. Deadline reports that the Project Runway hostess has been tapped to host and executive produce Seriously Funny Kids, an unscripted series that will feature Klum prodding children to say something funny; essentially, it’s Kids Say the Darndest Things featuring a malapropism-prone Teutonic supermodel who might even out-darn them. “Someone once said never work with children and animals … so I decided to drop the animals and stick with the kids,” said Klum in a statement. Did we miss the part where she was already working with animals? Maybe she thinks that’s what Victoria’s Secret angels are? Or does she look at Project Runway’s Gretchen and Mondo and see a testy giraffe and an outlandishly dressed meerkat, respectively? So many questions already! [Deadline]

Heidi Klum Gets Lifetime Kids Show